
About Me

 My name is Caren

I have always loved fashion, but until I went through my training I frequently doubted my choices in clothing and I lacked the confidence to just be me.  Instead, I would usually try to model what someone else was doing.  When I did try to put an outfit together on my own, I would change several times before I found a combination that I liked and felt confident wearing.   By applying godly principles, great color, and lots of style tips and tricks I have learned to accept myself just the way I am.  That is my desire for you too!

My goal is to help you embrace your coloring, body type and style with confidence, dignity, freedom, and purpose so that you look your very best.  My anchor verse for Radiant Renewal is from Psalm 45:11.  “The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor him for he is your Lord.”  He is charmed by your beauty, he adores you, and he desires for you to reflect his image.  You honor the Lord when you dress in a dignified manner and you will be noticed and respected for what you have to say when you dress in great colors that mirror your face, wear clothes that compliment your body type, and express your personality through your style!

If anything I have written has resonated with you, please contact me and let’s get started on the very best version of you!

Graduated February 2021

Graduated February 2021

Graduated March 2022